
Dirty Chai Daydreams

The title of this blog may seem a bit...nonsensical. Maybe even sketchy. But I can explain. If you've ever had a dirty chai latte, especially one from Saxby's then you know what I mean when I say it is the perfect warm drink for just about any situation. Spicy chai with a shot (or two) of espresso. Want a comforting cup of tea for the morning where you are cold to the tip of your toes and your soul? Need a major caffeine kick? A boost of sugar? A drink that tastes like Christmas and feels like a hug? And my goal is to one day make the perfect dirty chai at home. Because perfecting tea or espresso would be to simple, I have to tackle both. And that is telling of how I view life. I tend to bite off more than I can chew. I dream big and then tend to never follow through, because I get in my own way. I psych myself out. In my quest for the perfect dirty chai do you want to know how many I have made? zero. zip. zilch. nada. Because what if i make it and it is gross? I've read
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